AI Adoption in Government: Unleashing its True Potential

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AI Adoption in Government

AI Adoption in Government: Unleashing its True Potential

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a significant impact on businesses, individuals, and governments. Read this blog speaking volumes about how AI can help the government in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia improve the citizen experience.

Did you know —?

  • The AI market in Saudi Arabia will exceed $891 million by 2026, with a CAGR of 32.6% during 2021-2026.
  • In absolute terms, Saudi Arabia will accrue the largest gain by 2030 = USD 135.2 Billion, 12.4% of GDP.
  • The aim is to establish 400 AI companies and attract 80 billion Saudi Riyals investments in the next decade.

These statistics are not to create alarm. But a realization of the growing trend to adopt AI and other emerging technologies among government services and businesses across the Middle East to create a conducive growth environment. Drive diversification, modernization, and a brighter future. Most importantly, to achieve the ambitious goal outlined in Vision 2030 to increase non-oil GDP by 50% this decade.

Figure 1. AI Contribution in the Middle East by 2030

Endless Opportunities Awaits— Leveraging AI in Government

This impact could be even greater, with significant opportunities up for grabs. The region can become a major player in the global agenda if the government continues to push AI innovation and implementation boundaries across businesses and sectors.

Wondering, why?

Reason: these technologies can transform how governments run processes and organize themselves.

Figure 2. Benefits of AI for Economies, Industries, and Societies

2 Big Opportunities Exclusively of AI for Saudi Government

  • Social Impact with AI:

The government holds an immense amount of data on citizens for social good. With hands-on experience in AI, government can structure, analyze, and use the data for public benefit. This is because AI can quantify data and reduce inequalities in opportunities and outcomes. The government can even share this data with IT services & consulting providers to create apps or services that can potentially improve the lives of citizens while keeping data secure.

  • Recommend Ethical & Beneficial AI Use

Government plays a vital role in every guidance program. With hands-on experience in emerging technologies, governments have a unique chance to assist businesses with how to use and drive benefits. The reason being: government is also potentially responsible for role-modeling AI’s ethical use, regulating how companies apply them, and enlightening citizens to prepare for the challenges.

Top 3 Areas Where AI can Help Government Solve Complex Challenges

  • Sense: AI can potentially speed up simple tasks by augmenting or replacing human sensory capabilities. For example, AI can help you analyze traffic and street cameras in real-time. As a result, the government can easily manage traffic flow, reduce pollution, and make the best use of public transport.
  • Think: Emerging technologies like AI, deep learning, machine learning, and natural language processing have the power to analyze and process data much faster than humans and more effectively (in some scenarios). As per the market study, governments in several regions are already using these technologies. For example, in schools, AI can help teachers automate admin tasks and tailor learning programs according to different pupils’ needs. This, in turn, will fill learning and teaching gaps.
  • Act: AI coupled with related technologies such as robotic process automation and intelligent automation can potentially free humans from simple decision-making tasks. As a result, front-line workers can focus on core modernization and improve the citizen experience. For example, at airports, we can have several humanoid robots powered with AI translation software to answer the general inquiries of visitors.

AI in Government Services

Saudi Arabia’s public sector is at the forefront of AI adoption to revolutionize and transform societies. Apart from AI-based knowledge management and intelligent automation, the other critical areas where the government has proactively adopted AI include security and defense.

In an AI summit held in Saudi Arabia, public officials revealed their progress in security operations at the holy sites of Makkah and Medina. They highlighted their Aamin platform, which will use AI to identify pilgrims, assist lost pilgrims, and manage crowds.

Not just this, Saudi Arabia’s General Authority of Civil Aviation also revealed their keen interest in employing AI security screening ICMOR57 technology to augment security control and accelerate baggage sorting across airports. The best part is this AI-powered approach will enable them to ensure passenger safety and manage growing passenger volumes.

Here are some prime use cases of AI in government services in Saudi Arabia:

AI for Smart Cities

KSA is focusing on developing futuristic infrastructure to pioneer groundbreaking urban living. NEOM is the notable infrastructure planned under Vision 2030- a $500 billion mega-city project to remodel and enrich the Saudi economy. AI will play a pivotal role here, from energy consumption optimization to traffic management.

Other technology-intensive projects include Jeddah Central Development and Riyadh Smart City. AI and management consulting players must prepare themselves with R&D and the necessary capabilities to stay competitive.

AI for Healthcare

When it comes to healthcare, the opportunities are endless. AI can do a lot, from predicting diseases and improving diagnosis accuracy, to optimizing treatments. E-heath is a classic example.

The KSA government has implemented and is supporting & financing the further implementation of e-health services in different healthcare facilities. With hands-on experience, the government in Saudia is now not only able to deliver healthcare effectively but also efficiently. Healthcare workers and patients can now manage data efficiently and improve collaboration.

AI for Education

Hybrid and remote learning, the outcome of COVID-19, is now the future of education. AI and other remote learning platforms are transforming how young people in Saudi Arabia get educated significantly.

Misk Schools in Saudi Arabia is the first school to embrace AI. With hands-on experience with this cutting-edge technology, students are learning through the world’s pioneering classroom technology, and teachers can now deliver even stronger and personalized education.

Even according to the ReportLinker Middle East and Africa EdTech and Smart Classroom Market Forecast to 2027, the e-learning market in KSA alone is expected to get more than double by 2027 compared to $ 1.6 billion in 2021.

AI for Finance

Saudi Arabia is home to an ever-evolving financial sector. Even KSA is among the largest spenders on AI in financial services, with fraud investigation and analysis being the top use cases.

An exciting example is NAJM, the motor insurance claim agency in KSA. With the support of AI, the company can preemptively and proactively determine fraudulent claims and automatically evaluate risk patterns. Another use case can be products & services hyper-personalization. Banks can predict customer behaviors and tailor solutions based on spending patterns and customer preferences.

AI for Transportation

Transportation is another big market for AI as Saudi invests heavily in transportation. KSA’s first electronic, self-driving vehicle is a true testament. The aim is to have 15% of total public transport autonomous by the next 7 years.

Not just this, the government in Saudi is focusing heavily on creating AI-based solutions to improve mobility, make services efficient, forecast future demands, multimodal transport modeling, and enhance the integration of supply chain patterns and transportation.

AI for Oil and Gas

The world’s largest oil exporter is not immune to industry-scale disruptions. This vertical has immense opportunities to thrive with the power of emerging technologies, especially AI. Some of the key reasons to adopt AI in government projects:

  • counter cybersecurity threats.
  • achieving climate goals.
  • and a smooth transition from hydrocarbons.

An excellent example is Aramco. The company has implemented intelligent technologies to save costs and increase efficiency. AI implementation has helped the organization reduce maintenance costs by 30%, inspection time by 40%, and total energy usage by 18% at one of its oil fields.

AI for Media & Telecommunication

When it comes to telecom, AI-based contact centers are the first business use case that strikes the mind. These AI-powered agents can help manage repetitive work such as sourcing information, scheduling calls & appointments, and responding to emails. As a result, traditional agents can focus on complex jobs that need a keen eye for detail.

Another striking use case includes personalized omnichannel communications and deeper customer segmentation. AI can help telecom players in network management as well as back-end operations. Zain, a leading telecom player in KSA, launched the first 5G standalone network in early 2022 to enable quick and higher data flows with efficiency.

Are You Ready to Adopt AI in Government Services?

As the kingdom continues to realize Vision 2030 goals, the investment in AI will only grow to achieve high-level maturity. This, in turn, will increase demand for AI experts and IT services, and consulting providers to come together and unlock business cases in KSA.

If you are also the one who is looking to invest in AI to achieve national goals but need consultation for business process re-engineering, total operation management, cyber security, or cloud infrastructure, connect today!

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