Transformed Gardening Management for 21st Century Customers

To help the client successfully drive effectiveness, enable scalability, and gain agility, we introduced it to the power of a Leader Group-built Gardening Management System.


Government Agency

Provided Services:

Digital Transformation, Management Consultation, Business Process Re-engineering, and IT Services


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Gardening Management System
Business Challenge

How to optimize operations and fuel digital growth sustained through capabilities?

Gardening is an enjoyable activity that helps to maintain mobility and flexibility. However, it is tedious to monitor and tend the garden 24 x 7 to keep it organized; when it comes to large scale. At times we forget to water and nourish plants in our busy schedules.

Like many others in the industry, our client saw it lacks gardening management resiliency. Due to this, its profit margin and market valuation were at risk. The client fails to maintain the supervision processes of the garden and make it available to citizens and visitors across the kingdom.

In addition, the client was also counting on the legacy system to track, assign, and monitor operations. This system was not enabling it to track tasks efficiently, handle higher priority items quickly, and route jobs to appropriate work queues so that the right person with in-depth expertise could handle it on time.

Considering this, the client identified a dire need for digital transformation to streamline operations and increase operational efficiency. The goal was to get right 100 % of the time—so the client came up with the idea of building a smart gardening system.

With this goal in mind, the client and its stakeholder determined to find a technology partner and brought in Leader Group to help. The transformation plan rests on 3 core pillars:

  • Prepare a digitally advanced administrative system. 
  • Upgrade and standardize the legacy system. 
  • Introduce new capabilities with internet-based services.

Delivering IT Innovations on Emerging Technologies for Over a Decade

As a leading IT & Consulting service provider, we helped the client kick-start modernization with the power of the gardening management system.

With hands-on experience with our three-pronged approach: People, Process, and Technology, the client laid a robust foundation to digitize the future.

Gardening Management System

Watch Our Presentation!

Strategy and Solution

Elevated Existing Technology Architecture to Meet Specific Requirements

Leader Group’s team along with client’s team underwent a health check to assess the existing processes and technology architecture. Basis on the analysis, the experts outlined the strategy and goals and prepared a roadmap for the operation’s improvement.

To address this, the client needed an administrative gardening management system and new internet-based services with support & maintenance. To deliver these capabilities, the prime goal was to elevate its existing technology architecture. The Leader Group team aided in the transformation, improving the legacy system, supported by agile methodologies, emerging technologies, and strong business acumen.

The team inspected each system thoroughly, comparing current state and future requirements and weaving all technologies together to create a future-ready platform. This effort sharpened security, automated operations, and shielded old core systems that might change with agility.

The Leader Group team continually remains active in the change management process to make this digital transformation journey successful.

The team studied the theoretical and technical know-how about planning, designing, and developing smart gardening throughout the process. This phased approach includes the following four phases:

  • Phase 1: Gardening Management System Design
  • Phase 2: Gardening Management System Set-up & Implementation
  • Phase 3: Interactive Internet-Based Services Creation
  • Phase 4: System Testing & Quality Assurance 

Some of the enhancements made:

  • Location independence.
  • Multi-site optimization.
  • End-to-end visibility.
  • Generate strategic reports and studies.
  • Support & maintenance.
As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
How It Works!!

Our winning framework for excellence! 


Define Your Vision, Plan Your Strategy, and Outline Your Business Case
As a first step, our team assessed the client's in-built processes, landscape, and business objectives to achieve digital business transformation. The experts also run an in-depth analysis and research on the planning and design of smart gardening management systems to define the vision and business case.


Prototype New Capabilities that Drive Profitable CX Journeys
As a next step, our team proposed a prototype for a rationale gardening monitoring system and devised step-by-step procedure guidelines to meet the specific requirements that bundle a new solution together. They also determined rapid delivery approaches to upgrade legacy systems and add new internet-based services.


Create an Ecosystem of Partners who can Innovate Your Vision at the Scale
Start to work on the design, development, and implementation with a mix of specialists. Our team of experts orchestrates the right software, platform, data, and people to develop a new solution with a solid foundation.


Structuring the Process to Minimize the Operational and Financial Risk
As a last step, the team conducts thorough testing both "horizontally" and "vertically" to ensure solution readiness, mitigate risks, and provide proof of concept.
The Impact

Increased Stability, Flexibility, Security, and Efficiency in Gardening Management

Though many steps have been undertaken throughout this transformation, the impact is just beginning. Thanks to efforts — enabled by innovative technologies — the client has now witnessed strategic benefits across various areas, including operation, technology, architecture, and management. As a whole, the client is performing better year-on-year. The effectiveness of market inspection has increased significantly.

However, the true power lies in what the company is now achieving for its business, customers, and the world, whole— stability, security, network resilience, manageability, modularity, and robustness.

According to the client, if it thinks about the next few years immediately, its three top priorities stand still: enhancing customer experience, higher operational efficiency, and delivering improved service standards to all parties.

Benefits of Our Gardening Management Solution to the Client: 

  • Improved Health  
  • Faster Time-to-Market 
  • Increased Public Satisfaction  
  • Higher Operational Efficiency 
  • Streamlined Self-Service Experience 