Digital is the New Normal – Reinventing Digitization With Leader Group

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Digital is the New Normal – Reinventing Digitization With Leader Group

“Digital is the new normal, and that is quite evident with the rapid pace at which organizations are switching to digital business mode. Leader Group’s Digital Transformation Services not just help organizations leverage digitization, but also create a new digital environment for businesses”.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has changed how the world works, organizations operate, and businesses.

With the efforts to tackle the pandemic and curb the infection; measures such as worldwide lockdown and social distancing are considered to keep the ball rolling, with the unprecedented standstill that came along with the pandemic.

Organizations are shifting to digitization; businesses are leveraging digital tools and technologies, and digital transformation is becoming the new normal in such gloomy times.

Researchers suggest that almost half of the global population underwent lockdown. With 90 % of the students accessing education online, digital transformation prevails across businesses.

However, adapting to digitization is not as easy as it seems. Initially, many organizations faced issues such as uncertainty about the returns on investments from digital; lack of clarity of digital infrastructure, and vulnerability about investing in digital.

The doubts and concerns are lingering behind the acceleration of digitization for business longevity.

According to recently conducted research, the global market value of digital transformation will reach USD 1,200 Billion by 2026.

Factors such as high internet penetration, rise in adoption of digital tools and technologies; and prevailing digital transformation are fueling the demand for digital transformation services across the globe.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, the world is encouraging employees and customers to interact virtually; giving rise to digital operations to succeed in restricted activity and mandated shutdowns, among others.

Some of the reported advantages that digitization of businesses has offered include the following:



Agility in the business processes refers to the ability of organizations to build the in-cultural flexibility to change and adapt to the evolved ways of doing business by managing data-driven insights and making decisions faster.


Customer Advantage:

By mining the customer data and helping uncover the requirements, customers’ emerging demands get analyzed digitally; allowing organizations to monitor the demand-supply gap.


Security Benefits:

With the rise in digital transformation and digital ways of doing business; organizations have become cautious of cybercrime and have become resilient to protect confidential information and remain cyber secured against all kinds of cyber-security-related issues.


Rise in Productivity:

As the remote work culture has been rising; the employees have shifted to work in a remote environment enabling organizations to leverage digital tools and technology to maximize productivity while sustaining the company culture.


Efficiency Results:

Organizations collaborate with digital technologies to automate manual processes and streamline their operations to achieve greater efficiency, allowing more revenue-generating activities to provide faster speed and less waste.

Furthermore, the increasing use of digital technologies in times of crisis isn’t new; instead, it consists of processes that are significant to the emergence of innovation and digitization.

Another research suggests that the increase in digital transformation has made 45% of organizations adapt to a completely remote work model. In contrast, another 23% of organizations have shifted to a hybrid work model; enabling firms to leverage the benefits of digitization.

Moreover, other sectors, such as education and healthcare, which were utterly human-centric; are also leveraging the benefits of digitization and reaping the advantages of digitization.

The recent trends have seen an upsurge in businesses shifting to the new normal of going digital in one way or the other.

The current developments include the rise in digital use of resources; enabling the organizations to adapt to evolved BCPs (Business Continuity plans), and the emerging technologies to disrupt the market with digitization; that too, in digitally driven ways.


Conclusion – Digitization:

Digital has become the new normal. With the changing times, in such uncertain times; digitization has come to the forefront of businesses, allowing corporates and organizations to continue doing business by utilizing digital tools and technologies, and drive growth and innovation.

Leader Group‘s Digital Transformation Services helps organizations realize their dream of digitization and remain competitive in the short term and in the long run.

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