Managing projects diligently with Leader Group’s Project Management Services

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Managing projects diligently with Leader Group’s Project Management Services

Managing projects diligently with Leader Group’s Project Management Services

“Managing projects diligently is an integral part of an organization and is a direct metric for its success, with greater outputs, enhanced productivity, and better efficiency.
Leader Group’s Project Management Services lets organizations achieve their digital project management platform with utmost ease, diligence, and efficiency.”

The times have changed, and so are the ways of doing business. Corporates are utilizing emerging technologies, companies are shifting to leveraging digital tools, and communities are adopting new and innovative ways.

Call it the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic or the repercussion that the pandemic has brought with it. Still, it won’t be wrong to say that the pandemic has turned the world upside down.

Organizations carrying out business processes are shifting to the online virtual business mode. Not only this, but there has also been plenty of investments into digital, which has led to impeccable growth in how businesses carry out their operations, retain their clients, and achieve higher revenues.

However, this was not the case initially. Organizations used to remain vulnerable in investing in digital tools and technologies, owing to a lack of certainty on the returns of investments, but the ongoing positivity shown in terms of revenue growth and profitability margins, organizations, have made organizations agree to the fact of investing in digital.

According to recently conducted research, the global IT project and portfolio management (IT PPM) market will reach USD 4.57 Billion by 2025.

Factors such as the rise in internet penetration, the need for digitized project management, and prevailing digital transformation are fuelling the growth of the digital project management market.

Few of the noticeable benefits that digital project management offer includes automation, increased decision-making insights with artificial intelligence, and increased project productivity.

Moreover, digital project management streamlines the overall elements involved in the Digital Project Management value chain, which are discussed below.

1.Digital Project Initiation

Project initiation is one of the most critical steps in a project management cycle.

It encompasses initial requirements such as understanding the project goals and objectives, defining the project scope, and setting project deadlines.

Several digital tools are integrated with digital project management, streamlining the overall project management cycle in digitally driven ways.

2.Digital Project Planning

Planning a particular project becomes more critical for organizations dealing with multiple projects at any time.

In this era of Industry 4.0, organizations understand the significance of having digital project planning, ensuring timely commencement and delivery of projects.

Organizations utilize online tools and technologies to plan projects, so that project delays get minimized.

3.Digital Project Execution

The project execution stage comes after project planning.

No matter how many objectives an organization mentions as its goal and purpose, the expected results from the projects are not attained unless they are implemented.

Additionally, digitization allows business leaders to execute their projects more efficiently with an amalgamation of digital tools and technologies and achieve the desired goals.

5.Digital Project Closure

Once the projects are appropriately executed in digitally-driven ways, the next step is closing the project, which we call project closure.

Organizations that lack digital tools find it hard to have an efficient project closure compared to those that utilize digital tools.

Moreover, another research suggests that as many as  41% of organizations are currently using digitized project management services that offer a multi-functional capacity at a large scale.

Since the technology market is growing, this capacity is surging at a rate of 20% per year. Hence, it becomes imperative for organizations to achieve a considerable degree of automation with countless tools solely dedicated to automating tasks.

Leader Group has been providing its Project management services to clients across the geographies, which has not only digitized the project management tasks but has also enabled organizations to leverage the benefits of digitization in their project management.

Its robust approach to project management, along with a team of experts with high-quality skills and experience, helps organizations effectively manage their project portfolio, enhance their project and program performance and increase the probability of their successful completion.

Moreover, its project management services have benefitted numerous IT & consulting organizations on a large scale.


Digital is the new normal. With the emerging Industry 4.0, most of an organization’s business processes have become digital, and project management is one of them.

Since project management is an integral part of an organization as it defines the success rate of an organization, directly or indirectly, having digital project management has become a necessity for an organization.

Leader Group’s proactive approach to project management enables organizations to achieve their goals and objectives efficiently in digitally driven ways, making them thrive today and in the day.

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