Call Centre

Our Call-Centre services deliver outsourced call centre services to attain high customer service that enables you to host Inbound, Outbound, or Blended Call Centres on your premise & customize it to your business needs and changing market requirements.
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Call Centre

We provide outsourced call centre services to deliver high customer service and enable you to host an Inbound, Outbound, or Blended Call Centre on your premise & customize it to your business needs. Moreover, we merge several contact centre applications and capabilities into a single-view solution, making your call centre operations easy and efficient.

Moreover, our call centre software is necessary for all firms dealing with significant call volumes in today’s competitive business environment. It assists your company in improving customer service, remaining responsive to client inquiries, and increasing accessibility.



The Call Centre operates over the phone, their primary communication channel. Call Centres are typically designed to handle significant calls and manage customer service, technical support, etc. They can field inbound calls, perform outbound calls, or be a hybrid. Moreover, call centre software is necessary for all firms dealing with significant call volumes in today’s competitive business environment. It can assist your company in improving customer service, remaining responsive to client inquiries, and increasing accessibility.
We provide outsourced call centre services to deliver high customer service and enable you to host an Inbound, Outbound, or Blended Call Centre on your premise & customize it to your business needs. Moreover, we merge several contact centre applications and capabilities into a single-view solution, making your call centre operations easy and efficient.

We commit to providing high customer engagement and experience, quality services, and complete call centre service benefits.

Our key offerings are:
  • Enabling you to host an Inbound, Outbound, or Blended Call Centre on your premise & customize it to your business needs.
    Increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Reducing overhead costs (saves on staffing, office space, equipment, and so on.) support.
  • Making your call centre operations easy and efficient by merging several contact centre applications and capabilities into a single-view solution and providing continuous 24-hour customer support.

Benefits of Call Centre:

  • Advanced Call Analytics.
  • Decreased Costs.
  • Excellent Customer Experience.
  • Improved Security.
  • Multi-Channel Support.
  • Higher First-Call Resolution.
  • Enhanced Team Collaboration And Higher Accountability.
BPO call centre

Initially, customers seek a brand that can provide them with the most personalized services as the industry becomes more competitive. Due to this trend, companies are forced to make client engagement a crucial part of their customer service. On the other hand, call centres are essential in offering personalized services to clients and generating revenue.

Furthermore, outsourcing your call centres can improve customer service. For companies using shared services and have the requirement for a call centre, outsourcing the centre is a common choice. Outsourcing reduces overheads, provides continuous 24-hour customer service, increases customer satisfaction, and saves on staffing, office space, equipment, and other overhead costs.

Other BPO Services We Offer:

To conclude, Leader Group provides outsourced call centre services to deliver high customer service and enable you to host Inbound, Outbound, or Blended Call Centres on your premise & customize it to your business needs.

Moreover, we merge several contact centre applications and capabilities into a single-view solution, making your call centre operations easy and efficient. We provide companies with a team managing all their customer relations, which allows their internal teams to focus on building the business. In contrast, our customer service team handles the administration of customer contacts.

We commit to providing high customer engagement and experience, quality services, and all benefits of a complete call centre service.


Trusted by several government bodies of the kingdom.

As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
How It Works!!

Deliver Only Exceptional Quality, And Improve!


The first step we follow while initiating a project is understanding it in deeper details data considering all aspects of your software assets and requirements. Our skilled personnel look deeply at our client's needs and suggest the best possible strategic solution.


Once our experts understand your IT & Consulting requirements, products, customers, and competitors, they prepare a strategic plan with their decades of rich experience and provide an IT & Consulting solution that caters to your needs.


Once our experts design strategic plans aligning with your business needs, they start to work on scheduling the particular technology and customize it to deliver the solution seamlessly as per the latest ongoing trends and your product-specific requirements.


After the understanding, planning, and scheduling process is completed, our expert pool uses their expertise to bring your IT & Consulting opportunities into reality.
For Small Teams
Fast project turnaround time, substantial cost savings & quality standards.
  • Five Brand Monitors
  • Five Keyword Monitors
  • Full Social Profiles
For Small And Beginning Business
Fast project turnaround time, substantial cost savings & quality standards.
  • Five Brand Monitors
  • Five Keyword Monitors
  • Full Social Profiles
  • 500 Search Results
For Big Teams And Enterprise
Fast project turnaround time, substantial cost savings & quality standards.
  • Five Brand Monitors
  • Five Keyword Monitors
  • Full Social Profiles
  • Basic Quota
  • PDF reports

Our Unique IT Services and Products Lead To Your Business Success!

We are experienced professionals who understand the changing dynamics of businesses and deliver unique offerings catering to your requirements.

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