Application Architecture

Our Application Architecture helps you identify a microservices-based solution that matches your organization using open-source and open standards from our well-experienced professionals with decades of experience in the IT & Consulting industry.
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Application Architecture

Our application architecture framework focuses on supporting our client’s business requirements by allowing efficient management of the organization’s entities. Our application architecture defines the applications needed for data management and business support and what application services are required to ensure that processes and entities are supported in an acceptable time, format, and cost.

Several application architectures are trending in the market, but the most common now include monoliths and N-tier architectures and Microservice Architectures, which are event-driven. Microservices are both software architecture and a way of writing it, breaking down apps into their most minor components and making them independent. And the purpose of microservices architecture is to produce high-quality software more quickly.

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Our Application Architecture team of professionals and architects has a keen understanding of the latest software technologies, development practices, and management tools that influence your businesses beyond your IT requirements. Our professionals also act as ambassadors between departments and business-side units by understanding your organization’s needs and developing a software strategy that meets critical business goals.

Also, our Application architecture focuses intensely on providing a complete overview of your business strategies by understanding your requirements and providing you with an end-to-end value delivery and organizational structure, enabling you to quickly achieve your business objectives.

Benefits Of Leader Group’s Application Architecture:

  • Reduces costs by finding redundancies, such as using two separate databases that can be replaced with a single database.
  • Improves efficiency by discovering gaps, such as when one of the applications cannot communicate with another or when mobile users cannot access critical services.
  • Makes an enterprise platform available to third-party developers.
  • Create an appeal for the third-party developers for the enterprise platform.
  • Produces modular, interoperable systems that are simpler to use and manage.
  • Aids the architect in visualizing the broader picture.
  • Maps the application architectures’ solutions with your organization’s goals.

Our application architects understand that adopting modern and innovative Microservice Architecture is crucial to corporate success and delivering a substantial profit growth driver in today’s digital economy.
Hence, our architecture is defined in a manner that is needed for data management and business support that ensure the processes and entities support adequate time, format, and cost. Thus, our application architecture defines the applications necessary to seamlessly enable business architecture.

Other Enterprise Architecture Services We provide:

Our Microservice Architecture includes identifying how the applications
interact with other business integration elements and how the application and
data are distributed throughout the organization. It also describes automated
services supporting business processes and the interaction and interdependencies between the organization’s application systems. Moreover, it also considers plans for developing new applications and revising old
applications based on its objectives.
Asa strategy, process, and technology experts, we work with you to provide seamless application architecture services.
Our Application Architecture helps you identify a microservices-based business solution that matches your organization using open-source, open standards, and our years of experience.

Trusted by several government bodies of the kingdom.

As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
As a leading IT & Consulting firm, we are here to help you scale your business and transform your business opportunities into reality.
How It Works!!

Deliver Only Exceptional Quality, And Improve!


The first step we follow while initiating a project is understanding it in deeper details data considering all aspects of your software assets and requirements. Our skilled personnel look deeply at our client's needs and suggest the best possible strategic solution.


Once our experts understand your IT & Consulting requirements, products, customers, and competitors, they prepare a strategic plan with their decades of rich experience and provide an IT & Consulting solution that caters to your needs.


Once our experts design strategic plans aligning with your business needs, they start to work on scheduling the particular technology and customize it to deliver the solution seamlessly as per the latest ongoing trends and your product-specific requirements.


After the understanding, planning, and scheduling process is completed, our expert pool uses their expertise to bring your IT & Consulting opportunities into reality.
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For Small And Beginning Business
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For Big Teams And Enterprise
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We are experienced professionals who understand the changing dynamics of businesses and deliver unique offerings catering to your requirements.

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