Sustainability: The Key to Unlock Long-Term Value with Environmental Consulting

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Sustainability: The Key to Unlock Long-Term Value with Environmental Consulting

Sustainability: The Key to Unlock Long-Term Value with Environmental Consulting

Sustainability is today’s global business agenda and a prime driver for strategic business innovation. Businesses that view this change as an opportunity and innovate will reap first-mover advantage, capture market share, be more relevant to consumers, and continue to operate effectively.

But, the question is HOW. How to achieve sustainability?

This is where environmental consulting services come into the picture. But, before delving deep, let’s understand why we need them.

Why Do We Need Environmental Consulting Services?

According to Deloitte 2023 CXO Sustainability report —Over the last year, global businesses have encountered multiple challenges: supply chain disruptions, talent shortages, economic uncertainty, geopolitical conflict, and more. Despite these headwinds, the most pressing concern for C-suites to focus on over the next year is climate change.

Climate Change —The Most Pressing Concern for C-suites
Figure 1. Climate Change —The Most Pressing Concern for C-suites

Not just this, the study also uncovered other significant points:

Figure 2. Sustainable Development – Need of the Hour
Figure 2. Sustainable Development – Need of the Hour

The Green Economy Transition

Having said that, there is a gap between actions and impact. Companies must embed sustainability into the core of strategies, operations, and cultures.

A swift transition to a “Green Economy” is key for the organizations and will help businesses create a positive impact on clients, people, and communities.

According to Deloitte 2023 CXO Sustainability report, most companies have undertaken actions as part of their sustainability efforts. But they are still struggling to move the needle. Have a look:

Actions Taken

  • 59% says using more sustainable materials
  • 59% says increasing the efficiency of energy use
  • 54% says using energy-efficient and climate-friendly technologies and machinery
  • 50% says training employees on climate change actions

Facing Issues

  • 49% says developing climate friendly products or services
  • 44% says requiring business partners and suppliers to meet specific sustainability criteria
  • 43% says updating/relocating facilities
  • 32% says incorporating climate considerations into political donations
Impact of Sustainability on Organizations

Sustainability efforts have a positive impact on stakeholder relationships. Environmental sustainability enables businesses to innovate, align with customers’ & employee expectations, and manage risk. According to Deloitte 2023 CXO Sustainability report: 

  • 52% says brand recognition 
  • 44% says customer satisfaction 
  • 43% says innovation 
  • 42% says well-being  
  • 40% says addressing climate change 

Unfortunately, the hard part is there are barriers to actions. Companies struggle to drive sustainability efforts since these inequalities, climate change, and polarization are complex and interdependent. These are listed below as per Deloitte 2023 CXO Sustainability report.  

  • 19% says too costly  
  • 17% says lacks political support for necessary change  
  • 17% says insufficient supply of low-emissions inputs 
  • 18% says focus on near-term business issues/demands 

But, it does not mean we sit back. Digital transformation is a significant challenge, but sustainability strategies go one step ahead. Addressing climate change is a priority.  

As a company, we must formulate a holistic, systematic perspective on business sustainability to continue to grow, reach climate goals, achieve net zero, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  

So, how can environmental consulting services break barriers and help close the gap between ambition and reality? 

Have a look:  

A Quick Introduction — Environmental Consulting Service

What is Environmental Consulting Service? 

In simple words, this consulting service ensures that the client maintains proper compliance with environmental regulations. This service helps businesses minimize their environmental footprint, comply with environmental regulations, and achieve sustainable practices.  

What Does an Environmental Consultants Do? 

The environmental consultants are the ones who— 

  • Provides expert assessment and advisory to clients over environmental issues management;  
  • Helps in reducing the detrimental impact of commercial, industrial, and governmental initiatives on the environment; 
  • Discover all the critical challenges ranging from social and environmental to economic;  
  • Connects social, economic, and environmental issues in a network of interrelated components that influence each other; 
  • Mitigate negative environmental impacts and promote sustainability;
Reasons Why You Need Environmental Consultants 

The reasons are innumerable. The top reasons are:

Why You Need Sustainability Consultants
Figure 3. Why You Need Sustainability Consultants
The Role of Environmental Consulting

The global priority to develop renewable energy and low emissions has significantly increased in recent years. Businesses worldwide need the support and guidance of environmental consulting services providers to develop new products/solutions and business processes/functions to thrive in this digital era.

We are one of the registered environmental consultants in Saudi Arabia. We have been in the IT and consulting service market for over a decade. Our team of experts is helping businesses, companies, and governments navigate complex environmental challenges and deliver a significant impact on sustainability.

To know how we, as consultants, are helping businesses in environmental sustainability, check this infographic:

Figure 4. The Role of Environmental Consulting
Figure 4. The Role of Environmental Consulting

We also provide environmental consulting services in municipalities, including water departments, electric departments, engineering, schools, and public works, to fire departments. Read ahead to understand how we help municipalities adhere to regulations, make informed decisions, minimize environmental impacts, and most importantly, promote sustainable practices for communities and natural environment benefits.

The Role of Environmental Consulting in Municipalities

  1. Audit municipal facilities to ensure compliance with environmental regulations at local, regional, and national levels. 
  2. Conduct comprehensive assessments, including data collection, analysis, and modeling, to evaluate the effects on ecosystems, natural resources, air and water quality, and other environmental factors to develop sustainability plans, discover energy-efficient strategies, waste management systems, green infrastructure, and sustainable transportation solutions.
  3. Provide recommendations to minimize or mitigate adverse impacts and safeguard natural resources for long-term ecological health.  
  4. Evaluate potential hazards such as contaminated sites, hazardous materials, pollution incidents, and climate change impacts to develop risk management plans and provide guidance on emergency response procedures 
  5. Facilitate community involvement and public engagement processes. 
  6. Track progress, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information. 
  7. Establish permit applications, project documents, and regulatory submittals for compliance and project implementation. 

Our Framework for Success

As a dedicated IT & consulting organization, we help businesses innovate at scale. We follow our three-pronged approach: People, Technology, and Processes, to reinvent business and reimagine a better future.

What makes us different is Our Sensing, Modeling, and Acting capabilities. 

Sensing: Understand the market and changing stakeholder expectations.

Modeling: Develop a structured perspective about long-term future paths.

Acting: Transforming insights into strategy and reinventing the core of the organization. 

As a result, we can deliver an in-depth understanding of societal, ecological, and economic needs, and most importantly, we can help businesses make long-term strategic decisions to address sustainability.  

Figure 5. Our Business Model
Figure 5. Our Business Model

Environmental consulting services are most effective when applied strategically. It can fuel the decision-making processes, help garner a competitive edge, and bring desired resilience.

To know how we can help businesses navigate next, especially in sustainability connect today.

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