Taking Charge Of Your City’s Healthcare Made Easy With Leader Group’s IoT Solutions

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Iot in healthcare

Taking Charge Of Your City’s Healthcare Made Easy With Leader Group’s IoT Solutions

The advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) has enriched the health sector with its new developments and treatment methods. This has enabled doctors to monitor patient’s health remotely and make required recommendations. Remote monitoring of patient’s health could unleash the potential to keep patients healthy and empower physicians to deliver superior treatment.

This has also led to increased satisfaction in patients as they have access to their physicians anytime, from their homes’ comfort. Moreover, this could also donate to reduced lengths of hospital stays and re-admissions. The footprints of IoT solutions are undoubtedly transforming the healthcare sector by redefining healthcare solutions effectively.


Benefits of iot in healthcare

  1. Reduce costs: Real-time monitoring enables patients to limit unnecessary hospital visits, hospital stays, re-admissions, etc.
  2. Effective monitoring: Smart devices enable physicians to have access to patients’ health throughout the day. Patients can also monitor their health and stay alert.
  3. Enhanced treatment: Provides more transparency to patient’s health condition and can help make informed treatment decisions.
  4. Better diagnosis of disease: Real-time data and continuous monitoring help diagnose the disease early.
  5. Error reduction: Accurate data generated has the power to make effective decisions.
  6. Proactive treatment: Continuous monitoring enables proactive medical treatment.
  7. Drugs management: Management of medical equipment and drugs can be handled effectively using IoT embedded smart devices.


IoT In Healthcare For Patients

Patients can make use of IoT solutions in various ways. It helps them to get access to more personalized attention. However, devices like wearable fitness bands and other IoT-enabled wireless devices used to monitor oxygen level, blood pressure, heart rate monitoring, glucometer, etc., can help patients stay aware. Moreover, it can also remind them of the appointments, weight and exercise check, calorie count, etc.


IoT Solutions For Physicians

IoT embedded connected devices enable physicians to track their patient’s health more effectively. They can always keep an eye on a patient’s treatment plans and requirements for immediate medications. Thus, healthcare professionals can proactively connect with their patients. And they can always check the best treatment plans required for every patient.


Iot in hospitals

Apart from patient monitoring, IoT devices are very useful in hospitals. The tracking of IoT embedded devices like nebulizers, wheelchairs, oxygen pumps, defibrillators, etc., can be tracked in real-time. In this era of the pandemic, personal hygiene is very essential. Furthermore, IoT-enabled hygiene monitoring devices can help to protect patients from getting infected. Smart devices can also be used in pharmacy inventory control, medical refrigerators, temperature control, etc.


Let us see some of the Leader Group’s IoT applications in healthcare:


Health Fall Detection

Emergencies can happen anytime without any warning. Falling is among the most dreadful events older people may come across. The increasing demand for the development of fall detection systems has become the need of the hour. The rapid advancements of sensor-based networks and IoT, human-computer interaction using the sensors, have become an effective solution to address fall detection.

Leader Group IoT develops a novel fall detection sensor system based on a wearable device. Fall detection technology is a priceless, life-saving innovation in medical alert systems. This system accurately monitors the body movements, recognizes and distinguishes a fall from everyday routines, and automatically sends the request for help to the caretakers with the patient’s location.


Medical Refrigerators

Medical refrigerators carry incredibly important medications, vaccines, and blood donations that can be very costly or difficult to replace. So, it can be difficult when medical refrigerators lose power. Physicians and pharmacists rely on these products to ensure their patients’ health and safety.

Medical facilities and pharmacies can monitor whether a refrigerator is failing or determining how long it has been without power and if the temperature is still appropriate for the items inside by implementing a medical refrigerator monitoring solution comprised of sensors embedded with IoT Technology and an intelligent low power wide area network protocol, saving the facility money, and keeping the patients safe.


To Sum Up

Along with all these benefits, IoT solutions in healthcare showcase many challenges also. In conclusion, these devices gather a bulk amount of sensitive personal information, giving rise to security concerns. Thus, along with implementing smart devices, it is essential to implement security measures also.

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